Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Woot Woot Wednesday!!!!

So this name came to me on the way to work today. Maybe I will stick with it, maybe I won't.

Woot woot - I have lost 5 pounds - YEAH! Ya gotta start somewhere. The Wii Fit labels me as obese - although I really don't see myself that way. But obviously, 5 pounds is a drop in the bucket but I'm still excited for some progress.

How am I doing it? Well, I started in June on I thought I would spend a month or so tracking my food and then start in with the exercise - kind of easing into it so I didn't go full throttle with diet and exercise then burn out real quick.

Boy, did tracking my food teach me things! I was consuming half of my calories for a day in one meal sometimes!!! And if it happen to be buffet Sunday at Pizza Hut, well I'd eat a day's worth in an hour! So, I have learned to make better choices and eat smaller portions. It's not easy though. I struggle everyday with the temptation to overeat, eat because I'm bored, eat because I'm sad or stressed, or eat because it just looks or sounds good. It's an everyday battle. But so far, I'm beating it!

Then just last week this time I added exercise. I will do either the treadclimber or eliptical for about 15 minutes, then some strength training on the nautilis machines - lower body one day, upper body the next. Then I will end with around 10 minutes on the stationary bike. And funny thing is I'm actually enjoying it! I like having an hour out of my day that I can spend time on myself and my health. And if you actually think about it - I am doing something for my family by trying to better my health. I would like to be around to see some grandbabies!!!

So Woot Woot!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm jealous! I need to lose weight, too. Congrats and keep up the good work (and posting what's working on the internet so I can do it too!)

Jen said...

Good for you! I am stopped trying to loose weight and look like a skinny mimi. What is there is there, that it. I am done. But you keep up the good work.

Claremont First Ward said...

I just read somewhere that the single most important thing in long term weight loss is a food journal. Because it does for others what it's done for you. I think you were very smart to start there and then slowly integrate exercise in. Yah for 5 lbs. :)

I'm so excited to be on your blogroll. I just added you to mine!

Unknown said...

Wow wendnesday seems to be appropriate here...great job. I to do sparkpeople...but have taken off the summer because of lack of focus with the kids around...The food tracking was a HUGE eye opener for me too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog...nice to know I'm not alone!!