Sunday, July 20, 2008

An introduction

Hello all in bloggy land!!

My name is Adelaine and I am married to The Coach. We have 3 wonderful little kiddos - Uno (8 year old girl), Dos (5 year old boy), and Tres (1 year old girl). Obviously, all of these names are anonymous. My name is not Adelaine - although it is my favorite girl name :) I would have pushed for that as a name for one of the girls but someone in our family had already used a name really close to Adelaine. Then, anyone who would name their children Spanish numbers is a little wacko. But, I'm not super creative that way so Uno, Dos, Tres it is. The Coach - well, there is actually truth in that one. My husband does coach, but that is not his main job.

What do I have to hid? Well, not much really. I am open to speak my mind on most subjects and am a "real" person. I am a Christian and am not afraid to show it. Along with that, I'm not afraid to show that just because I am a Christian, it doesn't mean that everything is always peachy keen in my life. However, a relative of mine wants to create drama about these aspects of my personality. So, here is my anonymous blog that I can fully express myself on without the blog police coming after me........and it allows me to be the conflict avoider that I am :)

We all live in a rural town and like it that way. Small town life is great for raising the kiddos. I work at a university nearby and The Coach works at the local high school. Uno & Dos go to the local elementary school and Tres goes to daycare. We are very active in our church and love our church family. Putting the schedule of The Coach and I together can be quite challenging during the school year. The house is always a mess, we have perpetual laundry, and the grass always seems to be mowed. But as I have always said, cleaning up after 3 kids is like trying to rake leaves in a windstorm!


Givinya De Elba said...

Hi Adelaine! I love your new name and your kids' names too! Am I your first commenter? Whoo!


Adelaine said...

Ooooo thanks and you are numero uno!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of secret blogging! It's great to be able to say what you feel, huh?

Adelaine said...

No kidding!!! Jaci, I had commented on your blog from my other one if you somewhat recognize me. But from here on out, I'm incognito!!! :)

Jen said...

Welcome to bloggsville. I am sure that you will enjoy yourself and meet a lot of new people on the way.
BTW, nice to know you.