Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday's Mommyhood Moment

So last night, I fed Tres and decided she really needed a bath because she was a booger mess. I started running the water in the tub then took her back to change the lovely mess that she had left in her diapy - which was a nice size mess, mind you.

We get back to the tub and I put her in and she starts playing and splashing. I get the towels out and then turn around to find her getting up from a squat and leaving a big floating present!!! YUCKKKK!!!!

So out comes Tres - out comes her toys. Tres sets happily on the floor while I start to use the removeable showerhead to attempt to rinse her generous gift down the shower drain.

Did I mention her favorite foods right now are blueberries and raisins???? Yeah, they take a trip through the 22 pound body fairly unscathed.

While I am starting to rinse the tub, Uno comes in to go potty and I hear her go "Oh, Mommy!!!! Oh, yuck!!!! Oh Tres!!!!!"

I turn around to see that my precious little baby has decided to leave me yet a third present on the floor and INSIDE the floor register!!!!! Then she is proceeding to kick her little feet in it and feel it with her grimmy little hands. Gross!!!

I thank the Lord that the register was closed!!! If it wasn't, we would have been smelling that for months!

So I pick her back up - hose her down in the already contaminated bathtub - wrap her in a towel - close the door to the unsanitary bathroom - tell the other kids not to go into the filthy place - and take her to the master bath where she actually had her bath with no more gifts for Mommy.

I think Tres was pretty much oblivious to the chaos. Since she had her tubes put in, we have to put wax in her ears anytime she is going to be in water. So she was probably just hearing "wah, wah, wah" like on Charlie Brown.

And what a little doll she was in the bath. I put her in about 2 inches of water with bubbles and she just played, played, played! I'd imagine she felt good after relieving herself so much. She got on her tummy and just kicked and kicked. Then she thought that since she was on her tummy, she needed to lay her head down - ooopppps!!! That doesn't quite work! She would pop right up and go "uh, uh, uh" for me to wipe her face off. So cute :)

But then the clean up has to happen. That involves a lot of disinfectant, using the end of tweezers to pry the floor register up, opening the register to "flush" it, and a baby gated in the computer room being watched over by her siblings.

Let me just say one thing about the clean-up process - the blueberries and raisins that remained unscathed during their journey through my precious baby.......well, they don't go down the drain!!!
And that girl can eat!


Anonymous said...

Ewww! My daughter pooped once in the bathtub--a giant turd that I had to reach in with toilet paper and pick up. Blech. I can't imagine trying to get ride of a poopy blueberry.

Adelaine said...

Oh no kidding - it was disgusting! And the nasty thing is that with enough spraying with the showerhead, everything but the well-traveled blueberries rinsed away so all that I was left with was a ring of blueberries around the shower drain - YUCKKKK!!! I used a paper towel to get those nuggets of nastiness out!!

Missy said...

OMG, did you just say NUGGETS in your comment? I think I would just run away. Run away and leave it for the husband! (:
Thanks for stopping by to visit!
Hope the rest of your week is poop-free!

Jen said...

There is a reason that Daddy does bath time in our house and you just named a big one. He who witnessed, smelt it, deals with it.

Givinya De Elba said...

Oh Yuck, I'm totally with you! Man, that happens a lot in my house! A. LOT.