Tuesday, September 23, 2008

20 things about The Coach

I stole this from a friend of mine :) Feel free to copy and tell every one a little about your man!

Things your may or may not know about my sweet husband.

1. They are watching TV. What are they watching? ESPN, CNN or their equivilants

2. You’re out to eat. what kind of dressing do they get on their salad? French

3.What’s one food this person doesn’t like? Oh gee there are so many but I can't think of many.....beans, anything soggy, melted ice cream, veggies in the raw state, diet things, coffee

4. You go out to the bar. He/she orders……First off The Coach wouldnt go out to the bars…but if you were at a restaurant w/ a bar he would get a Coke, a water or a Mountain Dew.

5.Where did he/she go to high school? A different school than me :)

6.What size shoe do they wear? 8-9

7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be……Coaching books

8.What is their favorite type of sandwich? Baja chicken from Quiznos

9. This person could eat __________ everyday. sweets....well couldn't we all?

10.Favorite cereal? Crispix

11. This person wouldn’t be caught dead wearing…Tommy Hilfiger or anything with a blatent label

12.Favorite sports team? STL Cardinals and the one he coaches

13.Who will he/she vote for? McCain/Palin

14.What is their sign? Hmmm Cancer I think

15.What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn’t? leave my stuff around, stress out, complain about being tired, not exercise

16.How many states has this person lived in? Just the one we live in now

17.What is he/she’s heritage? Lots o' German

18. You bake them a cake for their birthday. What kind is it? It is not a cake. It is a pie and it would probably be the apple pie with pecans and carmel from

19.Did he/she play sports in high school?he ran track and cross country

20. This person could spend hours……watching sports and politics


Claremont First Ward said...

so much fun to learn more about your hubby.

Swift Jan said...

This is fun!

Annikke said...

I am going to do this about my sweet husband!

He sounds similar to my husband!

Becky said...

Thanks for coming over and checking out my blog!

I should try out your fun husband post!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

sounds like ur hubby and mine would get along real well!!